What is the relation between science and culture in defining our response to the world.  How does it shape our choices for the human future?

Astrophysicist Adam Frank is a leading expert on the final stages of evolution for stars like the sun, and his computational research group at the University of Rochester has developed advanced supercomputer tools for studying how stars form and how they die. A self-described “evangelist of science,” he is also committed to showing others the beauty and power of science, and exploring the proper context of science in culture.

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Adam's Writings

I was called to science to seek a truth that transcended humanity. What I found instead is much more rewarding.
- The Atlantic

We’ve just learned that the whole universe is humming around us. Now what?
- The Atlantic

We came up with a way to measure the intelligence of entire planets. Things aren’t looking great for ours.
- The Atlantic

Here we consider the relationship between atmospheric oxygen and the development of technology.
- Nature Astronomy

There are good reasons to believe in extraterrestrial intelligence, but this is not one of them.
- The New York Times

The closer you look, the more the materialist position in physics appears to rest on shaky metaphysical ground.
- Aeon

A road trip to Pluto is not something you want to try with kids — the asteroid belt is nothing but tourist traps, and the rest stops really thin out after Saturn.
- 13.7: Cosmos & Culture

The binary pairing of Darkness and Light is so basic to human culture, no other name for the unseen stuff could do.
- Nautilus

Does science always need empirical evidence?
- The New York Times

Humanity's climb up the ladder of technological sophistication has come with a heavy price.
- The New York Times